Kotor how to install mods
Kotor how to install mods

kotor how to install mods

Install your mod files into this directory exactly as the instructions for your mod state, and you are done! After iFunbox is done with the file transfers, unplug your iDevice from your computer.

kotor how to install mods kotor how to install mods

There are a few extra files here and there on the (app icons and alike) but as far as the game functionality is concerned, its exactly alike. The file structure between the two versions (iOS and PC) are nearly exactly alike. The folder is the iOS equivalent of your Kotor Directory.

  • Select your device, and navigate to User Applications/KOTOR/
  • Find your device listed on iFunbox’s left sidebar:.
  • Launch iFunbox, and plug your iDevice into your computer over USB.
  • First off, you will need to download the tool iFunbox. (Click to be taken to the download link).
  • Now, all this is well and good you say, but where exactly is my Kotor Directory (on iOS) and how do I access it? If you have read our post about using the TSL Patcher on iOS, you likely already know where we are going with this. Theres no catch all solution here, you’ll just have to follow the instructions for your particular mod. Most files will need to go into the /Override folder, but every once in awhile you’ll get a fancy mod that has more specific instructions as to where to place the modified files.

    kotor how to install mods

    This will tell you exactly where to put each individual file inside your Kotor Directory for the mod to take effect. (Every mod will have one- it contains all kinds of details about a given mod) Scan through the readme and look for something regarding installation instructions. So then, where do we begin? Always start with the README file contained in the package for the mod you wish to install. Given the fact that using the TSL Patcher on the iOS version of Kotor is such a complicated process however, (A process which is detailed here) a manual installation may actually be quite a bit simpler on iOS than it would be otherwise. Large mods may be quite a pain to manually install. Most people generally consider these mods a pain, as instead of using the installer, you have to go about putting each and every file into its respective place in the Kotor Directory. There are many mods out there which do not use the TSL Patcher for installation.

    Kotor how to install mods